E-government, or the ability to do public business online, has been growing rapidly in Europe for years. Online identification tools are also being introduced on a large scale. The COVID-19 pandemic has further intensified these activities. European and world leaders in this regard are the Scandinavian and Baltic countries. The Unifiedpost Group report shows that not all societies are yet willing to use these solutions.
E-government, or the ability to do public business online, has been growing rapidly in Europe for years. Online identification tools are also being introduced on a large scale. The COVID-19 pandemic has further intensified these activities. European and world leaders in this regard are the Scandinavian and Baltic countries. The Unifiedpost Group report shows that not all societies are yet willing to use these solutions.
In preparing "The digital invoicingwave in Europe" report on electronic invoicing in Europe, our Belgian experts also analyzed the availability of public services via the Internet and the online identity verification capabilities offered by each country's authorities. The report covers 13 countries - Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. We have supplemented this review with Poland yet.
The first steps in digitizing public services in Europe were taken as early as the mid-1990s. Among the pioneers of this process were Estonia, Finland and Sweden. In particular, the authorities of the first of the above-mentioned countries have been successively striving to implement the assumptions to the fullest extent, achieving the status of a leader and a reference point for others. Currently, Estonia is in the lead not only in Europe, but also in the world in terms of e-government development.
Degree of digitization
Strategies for achieving full digitization vary from country to country. Each country sets its own priorities and order of implementation. The situation is also often different for central government offices and local governments. This causes great difficulty in comparing the degree of progress between countries.
However, the United Nations has developed a methodology and created indicators of e-government development (E-Government Development Index, EGDI) and participation (E-Participation Index, EPI). On this basis, a regular report and ranking is published, which currently covers 193 countries.

Despite the rather sizable differences in the degree of digitization of public services in the countries surveyed by our experts, they are all among the world leaders in this regard. The UN ranks the entire 14 in the Very High E-Government Development Index (VHEGDI).
Online voting only in Estonia
The range of public services available via the Internet varies from country to country. All publish information online, thus providing access to public information. They also allow a narrower or broader range of matters to be handled online at the central and local levels.
In contrast, so far only one country has decided to allow all its citizens to vote online - Estonia. Thanks to the solutions introduced there, Estonians can cast their votes online in both local, parliamentary and European Parliament elections. In the latter in 2019, almost 47% of valid votes were just cast online.
The government's preparation of appropriate online platforms is not the only factor influencing the degree of digitization of public services, according to a report by Unifiedpost Group. Public access to broadband is also important. Countries such as France and Italy are only in the process of implementing programs to ensure universal access to high-speed Internet connections. According to 2020 data, nearly 90% of households in Poland are covered by broadband internet.
Public participation
An additional ranking created by the UN is the participation index. It determines the degree of participation of each country's population in e-government. In this case, no longer all of the countries included in the report of our experts are among the world leaders. The leader in this ranking is Estonia. Right behind it is the United Kingdom and ex aequo in ninth place in the world Denmark, the Netherlands and Poland.

Low participation in e-government has various causes. In some countries, it may be due to the aforementioned inadequate access to high-speed Internet. There is also the problem of inadequate competence, especially among the elderly. French authorities, for example, are trying to solve this problem by organizing free or very inexpensive courses to acquire the relevant skills. Another shortcoming is the lack of confidence of potential users in such solutions. In light of our report, this can be seen, for example, in the UK.
Digital identity for everyone
Currently, all of the countries in question already have a tool for confirming one's identity online. This is, among other things, the result of the European Parliament's Regulation on Electronic Identification of July 23, 2014.(eIDAS). It created a framework for the introduction of such solutions and their mutual acceptance by member countries. It also sets minimum requirements for institutions that provide authentication tools - these are known as "trust service providers."
E-cards, application, portals
The implementation of e-identification legislation in the 14 countries analyzed is taking different paths, but none is limited to just one solution. Most of them have introduced new ID cards equipped with an electronic layer or separate cards. The microchip contained in them allows identification and electronic signing of documents.
In order to use these functions, you need a suitable reader connected to a computer or an app on a smartphone equipped with NFC technology. In most cases, you have to buy the reader yourself. In Poland it costs a few hundred zlotys, but in Belgium, for example, you can buy them in offices for 7 euros. According to our report, only in Germany did the authorities decide to provide willing readers free of charge in the initial phase of the system's implementation.
Many countries have decided to implement mobile solutions. E-identification there is done via an app on a smartphone. However, not everywhere it is enough just to install the application. In Estonia and Finland, for example, a special SIM card is still necessary. This can be obtained on request from mobile network operators.
A smartphone app was recently introduced in Denmark. However, it is just an extension of the common way of confirming identity there with passwords and one-time codes. These can be obtained in the form of cards with the appropriate set of them, an electronic token or just through the app.
In Poland, a free way to confirm one's identity online is the Trusted Profile. It allows contact with authorities at all levels and gives users access to their data in various state registers. For example, you can check how many penalty points you have, view your data in the PESEL registry, or medical information. In addition, the tool allows you, among other things, to set up a company online and arrange matters with the Social Security Administration. With the Trusted Profile you can also already sign electronic documents.
Each country also has private providers of online identification, authentication and document signing services. In the UK, virtually the entire e-identification system is based on the activities of certified companies.
As our report shows, the countries in question are among the world leaders in terms of the degree of digitization of public services. Nevertheless, the differences between them are still significant. Most of them still need to put in a lot of work to make their administrations fully digital. Encouraging citizens themselves to make widespread use of public services online also appears to be a considerable challenge.
More information can be found in the full version of the report [EN]: